FLASHBACK: Pool Shark / Little Red-Haired Girl

There’s already been four regular stories for May so this week is a Flashback story. And in honor of Ashley defending her Sexfighting Title against Jolene on June 6th, here is the first story where the Little Red-Headed Sexfighting Champion was featured, back in 2010.

Petr and Kandice had a falling out after Petr cheated on the blonde beach bunny with a Czech model and, later, with Mackenzie—after Mack won him by defeating Kandice in a sex contest.

But like all great couples, they somehow managed to patch things up. And what better way to celebrate than by going on a little trip?

So after some rollerblading, Kandice came back to the room and found Petr naked on the bed and ready for her. While she was fucking him, Kandice kept asking him about the beautiful women he saw at the pool earlier, but what she didn’t know was that one of these girls was in the room and listening to everything she said…

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1 throught on "FLASHBACK: Pool Shark / Little Red-Haired Girl"

  1. Honestly have my fingers crossed for Jolene. Her title reign way-back-when was really delightful and a lot of fun for the longest time.

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