BWL-693: Reductio ad Absurdum

Despite both being founding members of the BWL, France and Sophie faced each other only five times over the last 15 years—once on BWL-006, where France used her signature breast-in-face move for only the second time. Tonight, they face off in the Octagon and Sophie wants to even out their record.

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8 throughts on "BWL-693: Reductio ad Absurdum"

  1. I really hope this isn’t permanent or even long lasting. France ain’t France without the massive rack. Please be temporary.

  2. Huh… Never thought I’d see the day. IF the same happens to Megan, I think she’d have to be the same size as France. It would enhance their rivalry; just how when France goes back, she has to go back to Megan’s size. I don’t think either wants to be bigger than the other, they want to prove that they are the better version of what they each have.

  3. I hope it is temporary too, but I also agree this development is a good addition to the BWL story

  4. You know, if Entropy and Sherlock decided to do same thing with Megan they should make her tits slightly bigger than France.

    Just image France thinking “Good now we’re on an even playing field again”, only to see that Megan’s original breast size was about as big as Jennifer or Robin.

    How ironic would that be?

  5. Now…I might obviously be biased, but this turned out great!

    The hardest thing to generate in storytelling…is novelty. How do you do something NEW? And one of the simplest ways to generate the etherial, elusive, novelty? You consider what makes a character, what DEFINES them, and then…you take that away!

    This works especially well with a token; a physical object that defines the character for the audience with a look. Captain America’s shield or Thor’s hammer, for example…one of the ways that writers have found novelty is by taking away these defining things and seeing how it changes the character.

    And this is EXACTLY what Entropy and Sherlock have done with France. France has; since she was introduced almost at the beginning of the BWL; been defined by her breasts. Her entire character was based on the idea of being the BIGGEST. Her breasts were her token…you looked at France an immediately knew who she was, and where her power came from. Her breasts were the source of her confidence and pride, and she’d use them to intimidate opponents, seduce lovers, or even as a weapon. Her entire identity came from being the biggest, bustiest, woman in the league and lording that fact over the other girls.

    So what happens to France when you take away that power? That IDENTITY (Iden-titty? 😛 )? Who is France when she goes from being the biggest…to the SMALLEST? How does her dynamic with the other BWL girls and boys change? How does her status change?

    This is all interesting stuff. The thing that drives a story more than anything is conflict. You test a character by presenting them with obstacles. Do they rise to or fall when faced with them? How does facing a challenge change them? How do they grow?

    That’s what this story means to me. This is Entropy finding novelty…taking a big chance with one of his most iconic characters and not just changing her…but CHALLENGING her, as we see in this story. One recurring aspect of Entropy’s work that I’ve always liked is how he uses parallel action; he shows us the internal struggle and contrasts it with the external struggle. France almost surrenders to Sophie emotionally here, even as she tries to project confidence. Internally, she’s lost her confidence, she’s unsure and hesitant, even as she taunts and spits venom with Sophie. And even though she ultimately wins the physical struggle…she loses the interior struggle, because she KNOWS she gave up. That she feels inferior.


    This is France’s greatest struggle…to redefine herself and overcome this weakness. Being the Big Girl for so long, she buys her own hype…she believes that bigger is better. It’s how she’s lived her life. It’s defined her in relation to other women. She’s never considered what it would mean to be on the other side.

    Sorry…I’m rambling. I’m just struck by the storytelling potential here. France is one of my favorite characters, and I am excited to see where this saga takes her!

  6. I know I am probably the only one here who will say a huge improvement in France’s look, though I still was hoping Sophie took this one.

  7. I….. I did NOT see that coming. I really don’t know how to feel about this. I just hope it’s temporary. VERY temporary

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