BFC-030: Restored

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Ever since France lost her implants, in October 2017, she’s been healing and slowly inching her way back to her original size. Today, after her last augmentation, she is back to full-size—or maybe even more? But Rita’s not impressed. She’s been facing mega-busty Saint-Tremblé women all her life and she’s not about to play the worker. “I plan on giving Fran her first full-size defeat,” she stated.

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6 throughts on "BFC-030: Restored"

  1. Though it’s predictable at this point, I will still express how much I LOVED this.

    Actually, this entire Saga has been some great, long form, storytelling from Entropy and Sherlock.

    Doing serialized fiction is hard…particularly something as procedural as the BWL is. After all…it’s a Wrestling League, so as much as there is some variance in setting or type of challenge, there is still the challenge of finding novelty within that fairly rigid structure.

    So how do you do something NEW and DIFFERENT within that? How you do challenge a character in a way that tests them to their core?

    In the case of France, this is deceptively simple…you just take away the most definitive aspect of her character; her BREASTS.

    That one simple change suddenly opens up new roads to explore! How does she deal with this physical change that so fundamentally DEFINES her? Her entire SILHOUETTE changes, and she can no longer use the same tactics that she had before.

    We saw this before, ironically, with the introduction of Megan; France’ identity, her self image, her self confidence, comes from her breasts…being the biggest and the best. It’s what, in her mind, has always made her stand out. In literally EVERY story we saw with France, she leads with her breasts. She uses them to intimidate others…there is almost a heirarchy within the BWL universe about breast size and status, and France believed this put her at the top…until Megan came to challenge her.

    Now she was no longer the biggest and best…no longer unique. No longer above all overs. And Megan proved a good Dark Mirror to France; where she was a bombastic, confident, flirt…Megan was a stoic, serious, prude. Her equal and opposite.

    But over time the lines between France and Megan begin to blur as the BWL forces Megan to grow and evolve and awaken sexually…they become even more alike.

    So Entropy and Sherlock take it to a new level; they challenged France by taking her uniqueness away, so the new novelty is if they take away the very thing that DEFINES her next.

    This arc has been great for France (and Megan). It’s generated some great story and some great character development. But…all of that will have been wasted if Entropy and Sherlock simply return to the status quo…which, frankly, is what we’ve all be expecting.

    But even THAT was a choice…Entropy and Sherlock have been laying those seeds since almost the beginning of this arc. France’ constant musings about getting back to her old size…how she can’t wait, or how things will be different, or how she’ll get her revenge, if ONLY she can get back to her old size…get back to ‘normal.’

    Here’s the thing though; normal is the enemy of story. Every story STARTS with normal, and then normal changes. What every story STRIVES for is the establishing of the NEW normal.

    And that’s what we get here.

    France comes back, and establishes a new, unexpected, NORMAL.

    Because…’normal’ to France is…being the BIGGEST and the BEST. So simply going back to being the same size as the woman who stole her status and power…who stole her uniqueness…and during her fall, stole her very IDENTITY as the BIGGEST and BEST…was never going to be ‘normal’ for France.

    So she creates a new normal where she is, once again…the BIGGEST and the BEST.

    And thus…novelty is restored to the BWL. The dynamic has changed. France is bustier than Megan…bustier than any other woman in the BWL universe can imagine or compete with. How does this change this world, then? How does this change the Heirarchy?

    And (this is especially important to me), how does MEGAN react to this?

    Entropy and Sherlock did a great job of setting this new dynamic up in their subtle way…by having France absent for so long, and Megan the defending Titfight Champion, we’ve gotten insight into Megan’s anxiety about France. I believe he even trolled us a little by having one of Megan’s fears being that she’d COME BACK bigger!

    There are so many directions this can go in now…I’m actually DIZZY with the potential!

    This fight…this STORY…was utterly satisfying, and I cannot wait to see how the BWL world reacts!

    1. Yeah I agree this arc has been phenomenal, Some brilliant writing.

      I’m not just saying this to be a kiss ass or anything but the whole BWLverse is one of the best (If not THE best) comic franchises going.

      – The artwork
      – The writing
      – The characters
      – The porn

      all top notch.

      Kudos guys

  2. Just read it and DAMN it’s good to have the old France back, Her tits are bigger than ever and her confidence even more so.

    Megan better watch out.

    1. This is a reply to your recent Twitter posting; I don’t Tweet & never will, so I’m thanking you here for posting some of the custom images of Louise you commissioned from Entropy. I know these are now your private property, but you have generously chosen to share them. If I may speak for all of us who have found these, we are truly grateful for your largess.

      [That’s not a typo for “large ass”; I don’t know if you have one of those. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.]

      1. Appreciate the response.

        And thank you for the writing (And any one else) in this universe, It’s been a favorite since I discovered it years ago.

        And no I don’t have a large ass 🙂

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