BFC-036: France Challenges Megan for the Titfighting Title

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France is finally back to her old size—maybe even a bit bigger—so, after taking her new boobs for a test drive by facing Rita, it’s time to go all-out and take a shot at the Titfighting Title, held by her greatest rival, Megan.

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8 throughts on "BFC-036: France Challenges Megan for the Titfighting Title"

  1. Dude i love this story arc, I love Fran’s major comeback, I can’t wait to see where they both go from here.

  2. I will be surprising no one when I say that I loved this.

    I’ve loved the entire France arc…I love what it did for her character to confront such a massive change of Normal, and adapt to it. To suffer and face obstacles, and confront her very identity.

    But I also like what it did for Megan, who had to grow to fill the void left by France…as the biggest girl in the League she had to shed whatever was left of her inhibitions and also adjust to the new Normal.

    Because they are a Two-Headed Chorus…and Dark Mirrors to each other. Or at least…they were Mirrors. This arc sort of forced Megan to BECOME France, because nature ahbors a vacuum, but France did not become Megan…so given that only one of them can fill the same role, France has to come back transformed; bigger and better; to displace Megan from her role.

    I’ve gone over innumerable permutations of just how this fight could have gone after the New France reveal. Megan winning, Megan fight France to a draw, Megan giving France a hard fight but losing, and, of course, Megan being utterly blown away.

    Frankly, any variation offers up interesting new avenues for story, but this one definitely played to a few themes and ideas that interest and titillate me.

    Ironically, the idea of symmetry and mirroring comes up again because, even though she didn’t lose her breasts like France did, Megan HAS lost her place…her STATUS…as the biggest to France, making her fell small and leaving her reeling…questioning her identity.

    This plays into the oft cited theory in Amazonology of Breast Heirarchy, which is very appealing and exciting to me…that Megan; who took the opportunity to flex some muscle on France while she was depleted and vulnerable; would now find herself on the opposite side…helpless before someone bigger than her, and aroused by the feelings of helplessness and humiliation that come with it.

    The Locker Room Trilogy was one of my favorite things to come out of France’s fall from grace…Megan feeling the swell of confidence and power, and France helplessly in her thrall…even when she WON and tried to dominate Megan, she ended up feeling helpless and humiliated by her bustier rival…and Megan admitted (in her own thoughts, to us the audience) that she was attracted to France. At the time it was because of the thrill of the power she had over her.

    But in this NEW dynamic, Megan still admits to being attracted to France…only now it’s because of the thrill of being helpless and humiliated in the same way that France was…dominated by a bustier, more confident, rival.

    I am crossing my fingers that we will get to see France exploit this for a measure of revenge…forcing Megan to squirm as she suffers Small Tit Humiliation (even MORE humiliating as she’s not even SMALL…just small compared to FRANCE!)…helpless to resist because she CRAVES it.

  3. We’ve arrived at long last.

    Excellent match everything it needed to be, France was completely dominant and has her mojo back.

    Looking forward to seeing what’s in store for Megan now,
    – Does she go full force in regaining the Titfighting title
    – Does France go all in with making Meg her bitch like Meg did her
    – Does Meg go on a Downward spiral now she’s no longer the biggest and was humbled in front of the BWL world.

    Will we get Part 4 of the Meg/France Locker room stories.

    I’m looking forward to see what you guys have in store for us.

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