BWL-508: Sp’ing B’eak

BWL-508_CoverDear Rita,

Having had a belly full of the Montreal winter, I’ve decided to treat myself to a week on Saint-Tremblé. My BWL friends have told me what a hellcat you are, so I figure the best way to wind up my island vacation will be to face you in a boxing bout. Any sort of indoor or outdoor ring will do. I get 70% of the gate when I win—which I will—and you and Dario can split the rest as you see fit. Bon chance, ma petite.



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2 throughts on "BWL-508: Sp’ing B’eak"

  1. Terrific fight and both combatants were looking hotter than ever. It was great to have some crowd interaction going on and have it more partisan than usual, particularly sweet as Caribe’s tactics along with her call out proving her the real heel (at least the one I like to think of her as ^^).

  2. Great fight and follow-up!

    Rita is always a favorite of mine, and I love the world-building done around Ste-Tremble. Also, the art in this particular episode was beyond ambitious, with the crowd of spectators, and the use of soft focus and dynamic angles to give depth. I also love any match were stakes are established, and then paid off in the BSF.

    The world of Ste-Tremble is a fascinating one…particularly the aspect or Regine’s past. Previous stories have implied some of her backstory (Regine, scrawny as a young woman by Ste-Tremble standards, having some kind of conflict that lead to her leaving the island and getting breast implants), I always wonder if we’ll ever see any of that played out in some way.

    At any rate, it’s a world that returning too is always welcome! Thanks!

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