BWL-642: Saint-Tremblé Vacation

BWL-642_CoverWhen she beat Cindy in December [BWL-636], Melanie won a one-week Saint-Tremblé vacation for two offered by an anonymous benefactor. Tourists are scarcely admitted on the island, and those who are often find the local competitive culture pretty shocking, as Mel is about to find out.

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7 throughts on "BWL-642: Saint-Tremblé Vacation"

  1. Great story. Cant wait for the follow up sexfight!
    But Which is the sexfight Rita lost and seems to be so upset about?

        1. Sorry. I misunderstood your question.

          No, this is just a little prologue to set the context. I think it also adds to the Saint-Tremblé context; the idea that a woman’s life there can be pretty hectic and filled with confrontations.

  2. So Melanie is my favorite character right now. She’s a novice but she’s got some physical and mental toughness to her.

    1. Melanie is a great character. I like her look, that she’s physically distinct in the BWL world, and I like that it contributes ot her character; her insecurities, the way it motivates her to work harder and be stronger. Her stories are always very compelling to me because there’s so much character in them, much like Megan or Prudie or MacKenzie. Because they are relative newcomers, built from the ground up, we get to see their arcs and how they grow. I enjoy Melanie a lot!

  3. Un match veramente intenso, ottimo lavoro!
    (A very intense match, great job!–Google translate)

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