Delayed August Postings

The first story of this month will be posted a little later than usual.

Those of you who know me know about Penny, my inseparable dog for the last 9 ½ years. She will be put to sleep on Monday morning due to cancer. I’ll spend the time until then with her so I won’t be working, and I may need a couple of days before I can get back to work.

Be certain that there will be three regular-length stories in August; just maybe not exactly on the 4th, the 14th and the 24th.

Thanks for your understanding.


Penny in the Parc des Laurentides on her way to Chicoutimi.

7 throughts on "Delayed August Postings"

  1. As having pets most all my life, truly understand how painful sometime the ‘circle of life’ can be. Our thoughts are with you and treasure the memories. Hope they again will make you smile.

  2. So very sorry to hear this. May your remaining time with her be filled with all the best things! And may you find peace in remembering and honoring the years she spent by your side!

  3. Know what its like to say goodbye to a pet when he/she is “put down” Just remember that unlike people, pets don’t understand why they are in pain, they just hurt. Ending her pain is not much of a solace, but it’s something…

  4. Enjoy all the time left with her, Entropy. I’m sorry for this tough and draining (and sadly inevitable) event.

  5. Take all the time you need. The loss of a four legged friend will hurt like hell. My thoughts are with you.

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